Workshop Models Needed

Virak Studio is a media production studio in Fairfax, Virginia. One of the services offered is weekly educational classes and annual events. The classes taught are academic lessons on photographic principles.
Because Virak Studio specializes primarily in Portrait Photography, it is important for us to have someone modeling for the teacher as he/she demonstrates the concepts. The model should also be available to the class participants so these students can practice what they learned in class.
Expectations of the Model
Models are expected to exhibit these professional characteristics:
Be. On. Time. Every class will start on time; even if students themselves are late. Time should be allotted to facilitate travel/traffic, hair, makeup and wardrobe.
Tardiness is not tolerated. If you're going to be late, don't bother applying.
Class & Decorum.
Loud and obnoxious behavior is discouraged in front of students. We expect our models to exhibit dignity and class while in the classroom setting.
Smile! The students will be rating you at the end of the session! If you have reason to be in a "bad mood," then let us know ahead of time and we can schedule someone else to fill your position that evening (because life happens!).
Avoid wearing clothes that have text, logos or stripes. Attire should be devoid of stains and wrinkles. Use good judgement for makeup and hair should be combed/brushed.
Models should have at least 5 prepared poses prior to arrival. Please do not apply if you have trouble posing. Models should also have flexibility to adjust poses according to directives from photographer.
Models are never expected to pose in compromising positions, nude or show more skin than they feel comfortable to.
Models are expected and encouraged to SAY NO to any student asking them to do anything out of their comfort zone.
Physical Contact.
We have a strict "no-touch" policy. Participants in any class at Virak Studio are banned from making physical contact with models for any reason; including adjusting hair, removing artifacts (like lint/dust, or adjusting clothing). They may instruct the model to do any of that. Physical contact may result in the participant being removed from the premise. Anyone removed from the premise will no longer be allowed to return to Virak Studio.
(Updated 3.6.24)
We receive an overwhelming amount of applicants for modeling positions. We promote inclusivity, diversity and want to give everyone a fair chance. Not everyone, however, may qualify to be a "model." Those qualifying characteristics will be determined by the students who will rate the professionalism of the model.
At the end of every session, class participants will fill out a survey to determine if they would like to have the model return for future shoots (Scale of 1-5). Models with an average rating of 3 or lower will not be considered for future events.
If you are modeling for Virak Studio for the first time, the first session is an unpaid internship.
Workshop courses (Monday night beginner):
1-4 Students: $50
5-10 Students: $75
Special Event (PhotoFest, etc):
Compensation: $100
Bonus of $50 for extraordinary abilities/skills (i.e. ballet poses, etc)
Contact Virak directly with questions on compensation.
There is no expectation that models will receive any photos at the end of the session.
The common issue we run into is that applicants expect these sessions to be formal photography sessions. They are not. Models are hired to pose and interact with participants in a learning environment. Models are discouraged from using these events as a personal photo session.
Update (March 6, 2024):
Models have been incredibly helpful to the class and I, (Virak), do not mind providing a private photo session in exchange for modeling work. Arrive at least 1.5 hours prior to class start time to have your own session to take photos.
Release Form
Models will be asked to sign a release form. They will not own the images taken of them. Photos taken of you may be used for promotional use and will become property of Virak Studio.
"How do I get the photos?"
Although discouraged, Models may enter into a separate contract with students if they care to obtain photos directly from the photographers.
Virak Studio or its affiliates will not act a liaison between the model and student nor be held liable for any communication/actions between model and student.
"Can I have the photos instead of the compensation?
Photos taken during the class are for learning and academic purposes. There is no guarantee that the photos produced will represent the photographer's work.
You will be compensated monetarily. You may enter into a separate agreement directly with the photographer if you wish to retrieve photos (case by case scenario).